Posted by: grantahelms | June 21, 2013

Flash In The Pan: Waitress

Every day for a month, George had been going to the same restaurant for breakfast. He had sat in the same booth and watched the waitress on the other side of the restaurant glide from table to table like a ballerina. Without fail, she always had a smile on her face and her customers were generous with her tips. Today he decided to sit in her area. Before he could say a word, she began. ” My name is Tanya. My section is a well oiled machine. You will eat what I bring you. You will tip me 25% or else. Thank you.”



So much for the graceful and beautiful waitress. This installment of Flash in the Pan has been brought to you by M3. Word of the day was waitress and word count was 100. I had exactly 100 words. Please visit the link to see what others are writing.


  1. I like her!

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